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Hello Everyone!
I've received several concerns that my babies are too hard to obtain due to being sold out quickly on my website. In order to combat this issue, I am now offering the option to join my VIP Reserve list to ensure you can purchase a doll from me in the year 2022. This option is for serious buyers who wish to collect my art.
Here is how this works:
My V.I.P list will always remain small and intimate with no more than 6 Active V.I.P Members at a time.
Each Member will be required to pay an initial $500.00 non-refundable deposit that will count towards the overall cost of the doll they choose to adopt. I will allow each deposit to remain good for up to 1 year from the date you paid. If you still haven't seen your dream baby made by me after 1 year, we can discuss alternative options at the 1 year mark.
I will remain in touch with my V.I.P Members throughout the year to offer them exclusive perks and coupons for example: Discounts on Shipping or Free Shipping, Free Upgraded Box Opening Options or Discounts on Box Openings and more!
V.I.P Slots will rank in numbers #1 - #6 in the order that the deposit was received.
As new Bebe Become available for adoption, my V.I.P members will always be contacted first to see if they would like to adopt the baby before it becomes available to the general public for adoption.
If Any V.I.P Member passes on a baby, it will automatically be offered to the next member on the reserve list. Only if "ALL V.I.P Members" pass on the baby doll will it become available on my website for purchase.
Once a V.I.P Member chooses a doll to adopt and completes the adoption transaction, they will automatically fall off of the "Reserve List".
If any previous member wishes to re-join the V.I.P Reserve list they must wait until I restart the Waitlist and a new deposit of $500.00 will be required to hold a slot.
I will always lock down the V.I.P Membership list anytime I have 6 active members. No acceptions!
Additional Information To Note:
***Although I do not offer set prices for my dolls as each doll is uniquely made and will have a different price.
I want each V.I.P member to know what the price range could be for my art so you know what to expect.***
Mini - Premie Size Dolls - Range $1500-2000
Newborn Size Dolls - Range $2000 - 2500
3-6 Month Size Dolls - Range $2600 - 2900
9 month - 12 Month Size Dolls Range - $3000 - 3400
Toddler Size Dolls Range - $3500 - 3800 and up!
If you have read all of the information above and you wish to JOIN my V.I.P Reserve List, then please click the form below and submit your $500 Non-Refundable Deposit. I will reply to your submission to confirm your spot on the list!
(The 'PAYMENT' button will not be visible on the V.I.P Form below once all spots have been filled. The Payment option will only be visible if Slots are available for Reserve! If you don't see the Payment Button, please don't email me. It means there are no slots available at this time.)
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